24 September 2010

Mikmaki our Homeland



"In 1876, The Indian Act establishes the Department of Indian Affairs.

In order to become a Canadian, Mikmaq must relinquish their Indian Status." [Source]

Under International Law, this extinguishment of Mikmaq nationality is illegal.
The Indian Act is yet another attempt to make the Mikmaq / L'nuk, who are the rightful and Original title holders of the land, disappear.
The land has never been ceded, sold, or transferred by the Original peoples to any European (French or British) colonial government nor can it be!

This Land is Our Land!

Tags: acadia, acadian, acadien, acadienne, beothuk, british, british canada, confederacy, british north america, assimilation, borders, cajun, canada, caribou, champlain, colonial, colonliasm, cornwallis, dawnland, declaration of human rights, decolonisation, dispossession, ethnocide, expulsion, eviction, free people, freedom, friendship, genocide, home, homeland, human, human beings, human rights, indian act, indigene, indigenous, international law, jay treaty, land reclamation, land rights, l'nu, l'nuk, louisiana, maritimes, matrilineal, mikmaki, mikmaq, new brunswick, newfoundland, nova scotia, occupation, occupied, original, original peoples, repatriation, repossession, responsibility, rights, squatters, termination, treaty, upheaval, wabanaki, peace, wabanahkiyik, wampum

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